Tall Grass/Weeds at 3004 Orcutt Ave

CLOSED about 2 years ago #22-00020314
Submitted Wed Jun 08, 2022

Tall weeds and grass on the property

Grass over 10 inches? Yes

Property? Residence

Where? Front/Side of property

address: 3004 ORCUTT AVE, NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23607

coordinates x,y: 12092264.233184207, 3526167.2881061356

coordinates lat,lng: 36.988668981974, -76.41349629506135

Timestamp Description
Wed Jun 08, 2022 08:22pm Closed
Wed Jun 08, 2022 05:06pm Opened
Wed Jun 08, 2022 04:05pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone