View Requests - 6,854 found

Tall Grass/Weeds at 13540 Jefferson Ave

Overgrowth along roadside between Woodcreek Drive and eastbound Fort Eustis Blvd onramp. City owned lot. Needs perimeter cut (Cut back 10ft from roadway)
OPENED about 2 hours ago #25-00004342
Tall Grass/Weeds at 13540 Jefferson Ave

Damaged Container at 779 Shields Rd

Container is too old and heavy, due to wheel damages
OPENED about 3 hours ago #25-00004330

Litter/Illegal Dumping at 324 Judy Dr

There is already an open trash complaint for this property, 324 Judy Dr., reference# Trash-2024-1181. It is currently in a pending contractor status for the Sheriff Workforce to clean up the debris.
CLOSED about 3 hours ago #25-00004291
Litter/Illegal Dumping at 324 Judy Dr

Other at 914 19 Th St

Missed trash pickup 2-5-25. Have RING videos. One video of truck coming up the street not doing trash pickup.
CLOSED about 4 hours ago #25-00004239

Other at 2601 West Ave

Lights are out throughout most of this City Owned Parking garage. Leaving residents completely in the dark at night in many areas throughout garage.
OPENED about 22 hours ago #25-00004247
Other at 2601 West Ave

Other at 701 Plymouth Cir

Main sewer drain leading up to house possibly clogged. Sewer water is backing up our main line. We ran a 50ft snake through our main and nothing came up. Wondering if the back up is in the neighborhood. Noticed multiple neighbors having p...
OPENED about 24 hours ago #25-00004227

Street Repairs at 54 Queens Ct

Debris truck damage street in front of house this morning. 2/3/2025
CLOSED 1 day ago #25-00003527
Street Repairs at 54 Queens Ct

Street Obstructions at 123 Stonewall Pl

There is currently an open request for this pothole. Streets will investigate.
CLOSED 1 day ago #25-00003592

Street Repairs at 1221 26 Th St

The Street Maintenance Division will investigate and repair the pothole within 2 business days. However, upon investigation of the defect the repair time could take longer depending on the severity of the defective area.
CLOSED 1 day ago #25-00003310
Street Repairs at 1221 26 Th St

Damaged Container at 7701 Jarvis Pl

Repair could take between 1 and 15 days depending on staff availability. Please leave the container in your yard, either beside the house or on the porch clearly visible from the street. If there is a gate, please leave it outside of the...
CLOSED 1 day ago #25-00003135

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