View Requests - 5 found

Traffic Signals at 5446 Mercury Blvd

Exit onto Warwick light turns red for no reason, no cars at 4am. Been like this a gre days now.
OPENED 4 days ago #24-00015479

Traffic Signals at 900 Shoreline Pt

Can you find out status of work order number 18566? There was supposed to be another review of the intersection of Kiln Creek Parkway and Shoreline Point to determined if additional signage is appropriate.
OPENED 7 months ago #23-00037483

Traffic Signals at 368 Tabbs Ln

Warwick Blvd and Tabbs Ln - requesting flashing yellow arrows for left turns
OPENED 8 months ago #23-00034507

Traffic Signals at 56 Post St

Can we get traffic calming devices on Post St between Warwick & River Rd. People fly through there when the kids are walk to/from school and at night. It's really unsafe.
OPENED almost 2 years ago #22-00017883

Traffic Signals at 4514 Huntington Ave

Need a new traffic signal installed at 46th and Huntington for protection of pedestrians. Too many are playing chicken with traffic.
OPENED about 3 years ago #21-00010250


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